"Just do the pose." --Lois Steinberg

Thursday, May 03, 2007

the sadhaka who was too much in his head

Yoga is about the inner journey.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Tours, France, workshop with Lois

Lois stands on someone's thighs while the person is in virasana; a successful round of vrksasana; a fussy Hotel de Ville and a factory in a seedy section of Tours which is just as beautiful; Lois helping a student with an inversion.

my teacher Lois in Tours, France

Lois demonstrating a pranayama (breathing) technique in France. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 27, 2006


Arlesford, Essex. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

big mountain eats little mountain, Sucha Beskidska

Kuba, a young photographer, and I were discussing why we find real mountains more aesthetically significant than "unreal" ones of cloud, when this mist stole up behind us at about fifteen miles per hour. I took these last three shots and then my camera went dead.

Later, when my teacher asked me to move more deeply into the twist of parivrita trikonasana, I actually did so.

big mountain eats little mountain, Sucha Beskidska

Kuba, a young photographer, and I were discussing why we find real mountains more aesthetically significant than "unreal" ones of cloud, when this mist stole up behind us at about fifteen miles per hour. I took these last three shots and then my camera went dead.

Later, when my teacher asked me to move more deeply into the twist of parivrita trikonasana, I actually did so.

the end of the world

Sunrise over Wivenhoe. I'd missed my flight to Poland, and had to come back and wait for twelve hours, giving me plenty of opportunity to meditate on the foolishness of travel. Note the vapor trails pointing toward Europe, like lines on light blue stationary, upon which we might like to make a note about the end of the world. The Blair government subsidizes airplane travel, paying people like me to pollute. I finally flew, and had an amazing time studying with my teacher and with the friendly, physically tough Poles. But you can't think about such things without thinking about their condition of possibility.

glass truck, Kraków

Lois, my teacher, in Cracow. Reflection in the side of a truck. Lois runs an annual workshop in southern Poland.

Monday, November 28, 2005


"When you're doing yoga," my teacher once told a student, "don't watch T.V."

But what about when you're watching T.V.? Is it okay to do yoga?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Monday, November 14, 2005

mouse gaze

Mouse head left in garden by cat.

Christians talk about a curse on things, something coming from long ago. Makes sense.

Stick this in your transcendence pipe and smoke it.

